Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February & March Goals.

February was a complete wash. I threw in the towel in the middle of the month and didn’t make any efforts whatsoever to get back on track. It’s sad, but I’m not going to feel defeated by it.

12 Changes

February’s change was to exercise at least three times a week. I was doing well up until the week before the shower (around the 13th), at which point I was busy getting everything together while also wading through my persistent bad mood.

I give myself credit for the first few weeks, for sure. My exercise method of choice is playing Just Dance 3 on the Wii and I was working up a major sweat every time. Once life got in the way, though, I made it less of a priority. And that’s okay.

For March, I’m hoping to pick back up with exercising and reducing my sugar intake. This goal was the obvious choice since I gave up sweets for Lent. I haven’t been doing so well – I sneaked a few pieces of candy on Friday and completely gave in to gummy bears and chocolate chips on Monday – but I’m going to stick to it from now on.

Depending on how my month goes, I’m hoping to reduce eating foods with ‘hidden’ sugars, like peanut butter, pasta sauce, and things like that. There will be an upcoming post with more details on that. For now, though, I’m focusing my energy on ignoring my sugar cravings the best that I can.

1. Take vitamins/probiotic daily
2. Exercise at least three days a week
3. Craft at least once a week
4. Journal daily
5. Read every day (from a book, not a blog/the internet)
6. Reduce sugar intake
7. Reduce processed food intake
8. Limit time spent online
9. Put at least $10 from every paycheck in savings
10. Drink more water
11.Get on a regular sleeping schedule
12. ???
Digital Day Off

My day off for February fell on Super Bowl Sunday. I stayed away from the computer most of the day anyway because Erik was here and we were spending time together. Still, I gave in by the end of the day to check e-mail and Facebook, particularly because we were discussing bridal shower details. It was a really great day.

A Goal a Month

My mini-goal for February was to not spend money, except on those things to which I already committed (which were bridal shower expenses, mostly). Well, I ended up spending extra money every single week. However, it was only on food – a Subway sandwich during my trip to the mall, some candy the day before Lent started so I could savor my last day with sugar, etc. – and it was only around $5 per week. It’s not a success by any measure, but wasn’t a complete failure, either.

For March, I want to read one of my non-fiction, ‘self help’ books. I have a few that have been collecting dust on my shelves: The Happiness Project, Life After College, and 20 Something 20 Everything in particular that I’ve been meaning to read.

What goals are you setting for March?