Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ten on Tuesday [Vol. 52].

1. What did you do this weekend?
I spent Friday night at Erik's place, snuggling and watching TV. On Saturday, Ash and Cort came over and we caught up on each others' lives. Sunday was Melissa's Oscars viewing party - Erik came over in the afternoon and we goofed around while I got ready and then we had a nice little road trip to Melissa's house.

2. Do you prefer short fingernails or long fingernails?
Somewhere in between. If I cut them too short, I'm tempted to bite them (though I always resist). When they're too long, they get annoying to deal with.

3. What is your favorite use for Pinterest?
Finding new recipes, finding craft projects, and bookmarking wedding ideas for my far-off-in-the-future wedding.

4. Do you sleep with your mouth open?
I think so.

5. Where did you have the best pizza you’ve ever eaten?
Several places in Bayonne, NJ - my parents' hometown and where my grandparents, aunt, and cousins still live. It's so good compared to local places. I'm not really picky about pizza in the first place, though.

6. What do you eat for breakfast on weekdays?
Usually cereal. Sometimes my mom will pick up a bagel for me on the days she goes grocery shopping. Occasionally, if I'm feeling super healthy and not lazy, I'll have scrambled eggs with cheese and some toast.

7. Do you watch awards shows? Why or why not?
Most of the time. I find them interesting and fun, and it's exciting when I have favorites I want to win.

8. Can you whistle? Snap? Curl your tongue? Bend down and touch your palms to the ground?
Yes to all of these.

9. What email service do you use?

10. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
In general, I like sitting outside and reading. As for something active, I love to go for bike rides.

These questions are a part of Ten on Tuesday which is run by the wonderful Chelsea of Roots and Rings.