Monday, December 2, 2013

2013 Finale.

Well guess who fell off of the NaBloPoMo bandwagon?

I was really intent on doing it, guys. For real. There were all sorts of topics I tapped into my phone before going to bed every night and I was gung-ho about being here in this space again. But then life threw a mini-curve ball my way and I lost my motivation. (No worries, as said curve ball was dealt with and things are back to normal.)

Now I'm back for December and, although I'm not setting any really specific goals, I'd like to try to post here every weekday. The weekends are always the toughest as I'm usually with Erik and, unless I find time to write posts ahead of time, nothing gets written or posted.

There will be lots of holiday-related posts here this month because hello, CHRISTMASTIME! Later this week I'll have a fun giveaway that I've been holding onto forever, which is really exciting! Well, exciting for me, anyway.

I'm going to try my best to savor this last month of 2013. The Christmas season is my favorite time of year and I'm hoping by blogging through it, I'll be able to slow down and revel in it. On top of that, I'm participating in Stratejoy's Holiday Council for the first time ever (!!!) and hope to pull back on my spending since I practically emptied my wallet of all of my spending money this past weekend. It'll be a time to take it slow, relax, and get my thoughts onto paper (or a computer screen).