- I battled a Mysterious Illness (I tested negative for strep and mono) that made me feel like my throat was being ripped to shreds.
- We celebrated a belated Christmas on my dad's side of the family for my cousin and his girlfriend.
- A new (albeit incredibly second-hand-embarrassing) family joke was developed.
- I traveled to all the drugstores and dollar stores in the area and could not find a police badge for E's costume.
- I baked two batches of cookies and a couple dozen red velvet cupcakes.
- Target had colorful tights on clearance and I had to stop myself from buying a pair in every single color.
- Melissa hosted a kick-ass Oscar Watching-slash-Costume Party. See her recap here.
- My hooker boots made their return and were actually appropriate for the occasion - my costume (we had to dress from a previously-awarded Best Picture film):
- I won the ballot contest, which is kind of a miracle because I hadn't seen any of the movies on the list and guessed (pretty hastily) on most things. I also beat E by just one point; he's not happy about it.
- Wine consumption.
- I had the ever-awkward "oh hey I have a blog" conversation with E. Doubly awkward? He'd already been reading without my knowledge. I wanted to melt into the floor.
- E and I stayed up way too late talking, which was good and bad - good because of the conversations we were having, bad because they were happening at four in the morning.
Monday, February 28, 2011
he ran into my knife ten times.
Things that happened this weekend: