Monday, January 17, 2011

grace in small things & a winner!

I usually reserve Grace in Small Things for Friday posts, but I forgot last week and feel like posting some, so let's do this.
  • Listening non-stop to the new Britney Spears song.
  • Talking to Lyndsay about our shared anxiety problems and feeling a little less alone.
  • Snuggling with E while watching TV.
  • Having a perfect, perfect date night with two of my best friends - sitting on the floor eating Chinese food and watching wedding shows, swapping gifts, catching up, talking about weddings, just like how it used to be at school.
  • Being asked to be a bridesmaid in Danielle's wedding(!!!).
  • Random texts from E that make me smile.
  • Getting my dress from the lovely Miss Ev`Yan.
  • Quality time with my brother over quesadillas at 3am.
  • The Jets winning against the Patriots!
  • Watching the Golden Globes and being so, so happy for Chris Colfer, Jane Lynch, and Glee for winning awards.
My post-birthday week was so wonderful in ways I never expected. Reconnecting with my closest friends recharged me just when my post-holiday-and-birthday-blues were setting in. Thank goodness.

Also! As promised, today I'm announcing the winner of my giveaway. I used and the winner is... Stephany! Congratulations! Look for an e-mail from me later today. Thank you to everyone who commented - I'm hopefully going to respond to all of your comments later tonight, but it was so fun to read all the interesting things about my lovely readers.