Monday, June 28, 2010

a busy extended weekend.

Peppermint Tea

I have been outrageously busy the past few days, at least for me. Typically I do very little in a week – I trudge off to work for a few days and every other week, I usually have plans with friends. But for the most part, I spend my time cleaning and doing random home projects for my parents. Last week, though, my ‘weekend’ started on Wednesday and didn’t let up until Saturday.

As I mentioned briefly in Friday’s post, I was visiting Mark’s family for his brother’s high school graduation party on Wednesday. It was a lot of fun – his family is so lovely. We ate lots of yummy food, including his sister’s penne vodka which was some of the best I’ve had. Once dinner was over I slipped into party hostess mode and ended up helping clean up and serve cake. I guess I’m just destined to be the Martha Stewart for every family I know.

Thursday was date night with my fantabulous cousin, Lyndsay. We started by catching up with each others’ lives, considering we hadn’t really hung out in six months. Then we picked up some Chinese food and watched Zoolander, which she’d never seen before. After that we watched TV and chatted a bit about friend and boy drama before she headed out. Every time I go for a long time without seeing her, I start feeling like we’re growing distant, but that feeling always goes away as soon as we sit down and talk again.

My Friday wasn’t as busy as the rest of the days – I just had a late shift at work. It was pretty awesome, though, since I was able to put on music I liked (constant Michael Jackson on KTU) and chat with some friends online. Saturday, though, kicked my ass. I didn’t get much sleep the night before and I had my dance friend Dawn’s recital at 1pm. Luckily the show went pretty quickly and was really good. Dawn was fabulous, even at her solo, about which she was extremely nervous. It was so great to see how much she’d grown in just the past two years since we danced together and she moved on to a new school.

When I got home Saturday night, I played some video games, ordered some really unhealthy takeout for dinner, and ended up crashing at around 8. It was an intense few days that definitely took a toll on my body. On busy days, I usually forgo eating too much and hop myself up on meds because I have such a nervous stomach. I’m hoping to have a bit of a detox week this week, drinking a lot of water and peppermint tea and eating only really healthy stuff.

I also have a bunch of projects lined up for this week, including finishing my grandmother’s scrapbook and my brother’s dresser. It’s going to be a very productive week, I’m sure.