Monday, March 1, 2010

march is my month.

Yay, it's March!

I am so in love with the idea of spring this year (more so than usual) because I am damn tired of the snow. I want chirping birds, green grass, budding trees, and sunshine. I am ready.

Additionally, I have made a snap decision that March will be Pull My Shit Together month. My attitude and health need tons of work that, up until now, I have been putting off. Since I'm already in love with Mondays for their fresh-new-beginning quality, the fact that March starts on a Monday is my sign from the universe that it's time for me to start.

In the next few days, I hope to come up with some goals for myself in terms of feeling better physically, mentally, and emotionally. I keep putting it off, thinking that I'll find the perfect day when I'm 100% motivated and will bounce out of bed, ready to put together meal plans and to-do lists and goals. But since that day has yet to come, I think it's best that I force myself to start taking it more seriously, even if it means taking a few baby steps every day.