Friday, March 29, 2013

Five Things Friday: Making Me Smile.

  1. Having the day off from work! We don't have too many of those at my office, but somehow Good Friday made the list. I was incredibly grateful to have the day to relax, take a mid-day nap, and run some errands.
  2. The Happier app. It's basically a nifty little combination of Instagram and Twitter where you share moments that made you smile or feel grateful. Plus, you can change the settings so it prompts you up to three times a day to share a happy moment - it's a helpful reminder when life gets busy and it seems like nothing's going right.
  3. Buying a new bathing suit. It's primarily for BiSC, but I also plan on having other summer adventures, especially at my aunt's shore house.
  4. Flowers from my mom. On Monday I (regrettably) purchased flowers from the local food store, which promptly died Tuesday. I've made this mistake before. My mom got roses from my dad for their "when we met" anniversary, so she gave me a few for my room.
  5. Picking up a random book at the library. I went it to return a book I never got around to reading and found one that piqued my interest simply by the cover (above). My urge to read has returned, so I hope to make some time to get through it before it's due (next Friday!).
What's making you smile this week? Happy Friday (and Happy Easter to those who celebrate)!