Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wine and Love [Vol. 18].

 hosted by Nora!

Filling my wine glass...
  • I'm still waking up every morning when my dad gets up for work and now I get anxiety about it before falling asleep. My stomach is never particularly happy when I wake up and I don't want to get in my dad's way as he gets ready, so I worry about it as I go to bed. And it's generally really annoying to wake up in the middle of the night every (week)night!
  • My bad mood resurfaced for a little bit yesterday after a conversation with Erik. Luckily it didn't stick around this time.
  • I have been failing at all my goals this week: I keep eating sugar (cookies, candy), I haven't exercised, and I haven't looked for or applied to any jobs recently. I really need to get my butt in gear.
Filling my heart...
  • Wedding stuff! I'm looking forward to showers, bachelorette parties, and of course, the weddings themselves. It's stressful at times (like how I might have a shower and bachelorette party for two separate weddings in April), but tons of fun as well.
  • I get to see Erik tonight and we're hanging out, by ourselves, not doing anything. Just what I need after the past few weeks.
  • Melissa's Oscars party on Sunday was so much fun! The theme was Red Carpet, so we all dressed up in fancy outfits and sipped cocktails. I loved having an excuse to dig my old prom dresses out of my closet.
  • Lyndsay's on spring break next week so I finally get to see her and catch up. We're going to make a ton of crafts because she's in a sorority and gets a little sister soon. I can't wait for that as well as lots of bonding.
  • On Monday, I got my Blog Valentine package in the mail from Heather! It was fabulous - I got some really cute things including a little notebook, a package of gummy bears, and some post-its.