Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Weekend.

This weekend, on Saturday mostly, Erik and I celebrated an early Valentine’s Day. Since he’s interning full-time and taking a few night classes, we figured it’d be easier and more enjoyable to spend an entire Saturday together instead of a few hours on Tuesday night.

To start off the day, we exchanged gifts right away because we lack self-control. I had picked up a few extra things during Christmastime for him – a shirt from Hollister and a stuffed Angry Birds doll to hang from his car window – and made this incredibly cheesy project. (You don’t know just how hard it is to come up with 52 reasons you love a person, even if you love them a lot. Just saying.) And look what I got!

This is a great gift for two reasons: 1) now I can re-read them anytime I want, and 2) Erik dislikes reading and books in general, so for him to go into a bookstore and get this for me says a lot.

Our Valentine’s Day ‘tradition’ – which is just barely that, since it’s only been for this year and last – is to cook and eat a meal together. About a week ago, however, he offered to treat me to any movie I wanted to see in addition to our dinner. So, I chose The Vow.

Let me tell you right now, if you’re planning on seeing it, be prepared to cry. I went in knowing the general plot but had no idea how heartbreaking it was going to be. But overall, I loved it. I enjoyed crying like a baby because it felt real.

After the movie, we came back to my house and started prepping for dinner. Our menu was steak, these potatoes (that I found on Pinterest!) and salad. The potatoes didn’t work out as expected, so we wrapped them in the bacon instead. They still weren’t perfect and I got a little cranky about it, but Erik asked gently if I was really going to let a few botched potatoes ruin my night, and so I got over it.

Later, we had cheesecake for dessert that I made because it’s our favorite. Throughout the evening we went through two bottles of wine… which we purchased on two separate trips to the liquor store. See, Erik decided to tell me after we checked out the first time that he thought we should’ve gone with the bigger bottle. Which meant we went back out fifteen minutes before it closed to get another bottle. We had lots of conversations because wine makes both of us a little more chatty and emotionally open, so that was really nice.

It was a wonderful Faux Valentine’s Day. We don’t usually do anything romantic on a regular basis and it was awesome to have a whole day dedicated to focusing on our relationship. Everything only reinforced how much I love him.