Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Like Bullet-Point Lists.

  • I went to see Lion King 3D last night with one of E's friends from school - his roommate's girlfriend - since the boys didn't care to see it. It was so much fun to re-watch the movie -- we'd both forgotten a lot, except for all the lyrics to all the songs, to which we both shamelessly sang along. It was also really cool that we decided to go together, because we're friends by association. Usually we all just hang out in a group when I go to visit, so it was really great to step out of that setting and actually be friends with E's friends, instead of just being a tag-along because I'm his girlfriend (if that makes any sense at all).

  • Tonight I made hot chocolate and decided to add a few dashes of pumpkin pie spice. It's so yummy and a perfect substitute for a pumpkin spice latte when I don't want coffee (or can't afford to buy one every time I want it).

  • I'm finally getting around to decorating my room. It was supposed to get done when I finished painting a month ago, but a lot of things kept going wrong. Mostly, none of the wall mounting stickers (3-M and Scotch brands) wanted to stay stuck to my walls. But, I put together the clothesline-like display for my pictures and it looks fab. I can't wait to share some pictures, probably later this week!
Hope everyone's having a great weekend!