Monday, April 4, 2011

lovely weekend.


This weekend was one of those weekends when all of the separate pieces fall together seamlessly, creating an awesome couple of days.

It started out with a quiet night at home noshing on cheese and crackers, drinking wine, and watching ridiculous television with mama on Friday night. On Saturday, I had my first official wedding outing as a bridesmaid. I got to try on and order the dress I’ll be wearing for Danielle’s wedding, spent time gushing about wedding stuff with two of my best friends, met one of my fellow (junior) bridesmaids, and was treated to a yummy lunch by Danielle’s mom.

I stopped on the way home to pick up the new Britney album, went out to dinner with my family, and even snuck in a nap. Then E came over and we watched the UK vs. UCONN game, took turns playing games on his iTouch during commercials (okay, so I kept playing through the game, since I hate basketball), and E won the March Madness pool he had taken part in. We watched part of Euro Trip before falling asleep and I actually slept through the night, which is a rarity when I don’t have my bed to myself.

Sunday was spent sleeping in, lounging around, and having more wedding discussions over Facebook. It was a relaxing end to what was really a perfect weekend. I wish they could all be this lovely.