Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ten on tuesday [vol. 3].


1. How do you take your coffee on an average day? How do you like your coffee if you’re splurging?

I don't drink coffee daily, but I always make it light and sweet whether I make it at home or get some from Dunkin' or Starbucks.

2. What is your genre of books to read?
I tend to read of a lot of light-hearted, fictional coming-of-age books, but I don't read as often as I should so I can't really say it's my favorite genre.

3. Where do you want to retire, if you could go anywhere?
I haven't thought about retiring at all. I'm still at the "moving out" stage, and I don't even have an answer to where I'd like to move. I guess I would like to retire somewhere relaxing that's warm most of the year.

4. The 17-year-old you is told to write a 10-minute speech. What topic would you have picked?

5. What word describes you best?

6. What is the next “event” that you are looking forward to? (ex.: vacation, moving, date, job change, etc)
A girl's night in with my cousin and aunt, on Wednesday night!

7. Do you like to discuss controversial topics or do you prefer to avoid those types of conversations?
It depends with whom I'm talking. Mark and his friends always love debating about politics and in that case, I usually avoid it. But with my friends or my brother, I don't mind talking about it.

8. Would you rather add 4 free hours to each day, or add 1 extra day to the week?
I would add an extra day to the week. I'm better at packing my busy days full of a lot of stuff and then taking a few days to completely relax.

9. If you created a sports team; what would your colors and mascot be?
This is hard because if I could do whatever I wanted, I would make something totally girly - my colors would be pink and green and my mascot would be a unicorn or something. But if I was actually thinking about a real team, I would probably use a jaguar as a mascot and the colors would be pink and black.

10. If you had to be a teacher, what subject would you teach?
Well, if we don't count academics, I would definitely be a dance teacher. But academically speaking, I would teach math of some sort.

These questions are a part of Ten on Tuesday which is run by Roots and Rings.