Friday, March 26, 2010

wherein i admit to liking chores.

This week has just been one of those weeks and I know it's only going to get worse. And I don't mean I "know" in the pessimistic sense, but because something is happening Monday that will not be pleasant and will make me very unhappy, something I can't exactly talk about yet.

(I should also mention that this something is partly why I haven't been blogging, because my mind's all jumbly and it involves someone who reads this, so I can't exactly spill my guts on the matter.)


Until then, I'm keeping my chin up by daydreaming about opening an Etsy shop and doing chores. Well, they're not so much chores as ... home improvement projects. I spent the better part of yesterday avoiding a mental meltdown by stripping the finish off of my brother's dresser drawers, touching up the ceiling paint in three different rooms, and putting the majority of my brother's things back in his room. Because I wanted to. (Okay, and because my mother yelled at me for being lazy and I was so going to prove her wrong).

I've always enjoyed doing chores - cleaning, yard work, and all things home improvement. When I was little, I bubbled with excitement when I could put on my "work" clothes and help dad fix something up in the backyard or put some big piece of new furniture together. If we were painting one of the rooms in the house, it was like Christmas. I still get that way. When it came time to paint my brother's room, which needed to be completed in one day, I bounded out of bed in the morning with just four hours of sleep under my belt. Which, if you know me, is totally crazy.

With the remodeling that went on in my dad and brother's rooms, I've had plenty to do and it's been glorious. Plus, it's a decent distraction when you're trying not to think of other things. There's nothing like zoning out as Lady Gaga blasts from your iPod and focusing on the task at hand.

The added benefit of all of this is that I feel ridiculously accomplished. It felt great to say that I did the majority of the work sanding down wall patches and painting both rooms, and I can't wait to completely re-finish my brother's dresser. I don't have much to do these days, so waking up to a long to-do list - and completing the tasks - is somewhat invigorating.

So, even for a completely shitty day mentally, I was damn productive. And that feels really good.