hosted by Nora!
Filling my wine glass...
- My cold is still lingering a bit. I don't feel sick, but I'm blowing my nose every ten minutes. Not fun.
- I have to go to the DMV today. The location I go to usually isn't crowded, especially since I can go in the mid-afternoon, but I still don't wanna.
- Just found out (as I was writing this) that my little bro just got offered a job! So exciting!
- Prepping for wedding stuff! I ran errands yesterday which meant I: bought bridal shower gifts for Melissa, organized the favors for Natalie's bachelorette party, searched through the billions of shower and wedding cards to pick my favorites, bought some potential earring choices and DIY-ed my shoes for Nat's wedding. Here are the shoes:
- The bathroom is almost done, for now anyway. I just have to paint (once my mom picks a color). Of course, next week we're getting the toilet and sink taken out, which means I have to do the whole process to those small parts of the wall.