The party itself was, well, a typical house party. By which I mean, complete drunken debauchery. There were car bombs, drinking games, poor score keeping, loud singing, and weird-but-amusing male bonding between Erik and his friends. I was the designated driver, so in my family's tradition... I got completely tipsy in the first two hours and then sobered up by the end of the night. True story.
Our night ended with some of our friends going from "okay" to "really not okay get me to the bathroom" in record time, four people in the bathroom at the same time (for bonding, not puking, apparently), and my first legitimate beer pong win. It took three times to get Erik to leave - he gets very chatty and forgetful after a night like this, which meant he kept forgetting my requests to leave and talked the ear off of one of his friends.
Overall, I had a total blast. Considering I once hated the thought of crazy drunken house parties, I'd say I'm becoming comfortable with them (and learning the warning signs of when someone may or may not puke). Unfortunately, I have no pictures to show for my fun Saturday night. I was wearing a cute green garter, too! (I gave the other one to Erik's BFF, who I now want to claim as my BFF.)
Instead, I'll show you the (terrible, taken-with-my-crappy-phone) pictures of the crafts I made with Lyndsay last weekend for her new Little - she was officially revealed on Friday night, so I'm free to share!

How was your weekend, friends? Do anything fun for St. Patty's Day?